QT Life Podcast
Welcome to the QT Life Podcast by Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance. In our fight for civil equality, the Queer & Trans community has positively transformed society at large, starting important cultural conversations around things like sex, sexuality, non-normative desire, diverse relationship models, harm reduction, health equity, collective care, gender norms, and more.
QT Life is a place where we meet community leaders at these crossroads of social justice, health equity, and Queer life.
Produced by mejia.tv
QT Life Podcast
Transcending Barriers with Bamby Salcedo
QT Life is a place where you meet community leaders at the crossroads of social justice, health equity, and Queer life.
Host: Zef Llamas
Guest: Bamby Salcedo
Producer: Xavier Mejia
Bamby Salcedo is a distinguished activist and holds the position of President at TransLatin@ Coalition, an organization that advocates for transgender rights in terms of visibility and public policy. Bamby's notable contributions to the community have garnered recognition from esteemed organizations such as the Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, the National LGBTQ Task Force, and the White House.
In this episode of the QT Life Podcast, Bamby discusses "Trans Liberation." She explains how promoting the liberation of a minority group can lead to liberation for all, promoting equality and inclusivity for everyone.
Follow on Instagram: @labamby
QT Life is brought to you by Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance and produced by mejia.tv 🦄
Welcome to QT Life with Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance. In our fight for civil equality, the Queer & Trans community has positively transformed society at large, starting important cultural conversations around things like sex, sexuality, non-normative desire, diverse relationship models, harm reduction, health equity, collective care, gender norms, and more.
Learn more: rainbowprideyouthalliance.org and follow @rainbowprideyouthalliance